Connecting you to your own divinity
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Angelic Mist Sprays

WHAT IS IT? you ask......

These are powerful mist to help with certain situations, the labels say what each mist will help with.


I am a lightworker here to help humanity heal by creating Angelic products with the Archangelic realm.
To humbly serve humanity with the gift of Etheric Healing so all that is may receive pure inspiration from source and connect with their Divinity within...


Our "Thought Forms" come from the beginning of time and include all of our past lives.

It is impossible to know in this life why we may have a life threatening disease, physical aliment, birth defect, fears, allergies, relationship or financial problems, etc.

All our problems stem from a "Thought From," then advance into the "Etheric Mind," until they manifest in the "Physical Mind," therefore the Body. There may be many "Thought Forms" associated with, and showing up as one conscious physical symptom. Complete healing is only accomplished in the Etheric Realm. Once healed - "transmuted" in the Etheric Realm, the problem doesn't exist in the Physical Brain or Body.

Price for a 4oz bottle is $11.11 tax included + shipping